比特币投资者信心指数, BTC Investor Confidence Index, BICI, 2022 05/02~05/08, 每周走势及分析

2022年5月2日至2022年5月8日,BTC (Investor Confidence Index,BICI) 比特币投资者信心指数,在本周开始于52.13,中期略有小幅上涨至53.31,但是后期一路下跌,最终止于50.82。

2022/05/02-2022/05/08 BTC 比特币投资者指数走势及分析


加密货币总市值已跌至十个月以来的最低水平。周末又有 1300 亿美元的资金离开该空间,导致市值暴跌至 1.62 万亿美元。据 CoinGecko 称,自 8 月初以来,它从未如此低。

周一上午亚洲交易时段,比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)再次领跌。在撰写本文时,比特币进一步下跌 3.1% 至 33,486 美元,以太坊下跌 4.2% 至 2,443 美元,为 1 月份以来的最低价格。


  1. 美联储加息

美联储上周将利率提高了半个百分点,华尔街以股市暴跌作为回应。过去一周,加密货币市场紧随其后,缩水超过 10% 或近 2000 亿美元。

Oanda 的高级市场分析师 Edward Moya 指出,加密市场与纳斯达克等指数高度相关。他观察到,以科技为重点的指数今年下跌了 21%,而比特币下跌了 22%。 Moya 补充说,信心低迷,今年大部分时间资产主要在整合:


  • 机构利益降温

2021 年对机构加密投资极为看好,但这并没有延续到 2022 年。特斯拉、MicroStrategy、萨尔瓦多等大公司和几个支付平台都进入了加密,推动了势头和购买压力。美国监管机构甚至允许第一只比特币期货交易所交易基金进行交易,这也是看涨的。

今年的情况要低得多,根据 CoinShares 的数据,机构加密货币基金连续四个星期流出。 Moya补充说,企业和机构投资者处于“观望模式”,“有一种观点认为,主流采用所花费的时间比人们预期的要长得多,”寻求更安全的土地。投资者似乎正在对更广泛的经济中发生的事情做出反应。随着疫情的全面复苏和全球限制的结束,对传统资产的信心增强。根据比特币 IRA 的联合创始人 Chris Kline 的说法,一些加密投资者正在权衡其他选择,并“将他们的资金转移回美元,作为起点,然后看看他们将要做什么。”

  • 牛熊周期

最后,加密市场是周期性的;有升必有降。自十多年前比特币问世以来,已经有四个不同的牛市/熊市。如果以前的周期可以过去,加密货币市场可能会在今年剩余时间和 2023 年继续看跌,然后再次转向。

据分析师称,BTC 可能会跌至 20,000 美元的中间区间并在那里盘整一段时间,然后才会再次出现任何显着的上涨势头。

英伟达因未披露 GPU 加密采矿销售额而被罚款 550 万美元。

美国政府周五对芯片巨头英伟达处以 550 万美元的罚款,理由是其向投资者“披露不足”其有多少 GPU 被故意出售用于加密采矿。美国证券交易委员会声称,在 2018 财年的连续几个季度中,英伟达没有披露加密采矿占其收入的很大一部分。加密矿工使用专为游戏设计的高性能 GPU 来验证交易以解锁包括比特币在内的加密货币。该过程需要大量的计算能力和大量的电力。由于采矿用途,GPU 供不应求。英伟达没有承认调查结果,但同意支付 550 万美元的民事罚款。美国证券交易委员会声称,Nvidia 知道 GPU 的使用方式,但该公司误导了投资者和分析师关于加密货币挖矿的全面影响。

NFT 如何扰乱艺术市场?

Beeple 的 Everydays 和 CrytoPunk 收藏品在拍卖会上赚了数百万美元,而 Bored Ape Yacht Club 则吸引了 Justin Bieber 和 Snoop Dogg 等名人。 2021 年 3 月,美国数字艺术家 Beeple 在佳士得拍卖会上以6940 万美元的天文数字。这笔款项,以及它是第一件由大型拍卖行拍卖的 NFT 艺术品这一事实,不仅震惊了传统艺术行业,也质疑了我们所有人收集和消费数字资产的方式。可替代令牌——是在区块链上验证的不可替代的数据单元。在艺术背景下,这可能指向现实生活或纯数字作品,并被吹捧为解决传统场景中永恒挑战的解决方案:出处证明。

在 Everydays 成为头条新闻三个月后,苏富比以 1180 万美元的价格购买了 CryptoPunk 收藏品——这是第一个个人资料图片 (PFP​​) NFT 系列,于 2017 年铸造,每个都有显着特征。被锤击的那个——#7523——是唯一一个戴着外科口罩的朋克。

或许按照传统标准可笑地无关紧要,NFT 收藏品通过高流动性、现实生活中的赠品以及利用我们社区意识的游戏和实用程序来增加他们的报价。例如,PFP 项目 Bored Ape Yacht Club 凭借其对虚拟和现实活动、虚拟世界等的独家访问权,受到了 Justin Bieber 和 Snoop Dogg 等名人的追捧。根据“2022 年艺术市场”报告,以太坊、Flow 和 Ronin 区块链上所有 NFT 艺术品和收藏品的总销售额从 2019 年的 460 万美元增长到 2021 年的 111 亿美元。将这些数字与全球艺术品市场 651 亿美元相比,很明显增长得到了加速:仅与艺术相关的 NFT 的价值(在报告中定义为艺术家或生成艺术算法制作的 10,000 件以下的作品)就同比增长了一百倍,达到 26 亿美元。

虽然 NFT 无疑在一年前利用了传统拍卖行的实体策略,但随着新类型的出现,NFT 艺术领域已被数字市场与传统艺术玩家一起涌现而放大。然而,由于加密艺术仍然在这样一个新奇的领域找到了立足点,它也很难在大肆宣传方面做得很好,并将自己与更具投机性的收藏品区分开来。

咨询公司Arts Economics的创始人、《艺术市场2022》的作者克莱尔麦克安德鲁博士表示,艺术的定义一直在扩大,收藏家的投资组合也在不断扩大。

Three Reasons Behind The Crypto Market Crash:Key Insights:

Total market cap has tanked to a ten-month low of $1.6 trillion.

Fed interest rate hikes are driving investors back to traditional assets.

Institutions are also cooling on crypto following an epic 2021.

Total crypto market capitalization has fallen to its lowest level in ten months. A further $130 billion has left the space over the weekend resulting in a market cap slump to $1.62 trillion. It has not been this low since early August, according to CoinGecko.

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) lead losses again during the Monday morning Asian trading session. Bitcoin has shed a further 3.1% to $33,486 at the time of writing, and Ethereum is down 4.2% to $2,443, its lowest price since January.

Drivers of The Crypto Crash

Fed interest rate hikes

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates half a percentage point last week, and Wall Street responded with a stock slump. Crypto markets have followed suit shedding more than 10% or almost $200 billion over the past week.

Edward Moya, the senior market analyst at Oanda, noted that crypto markets had been highly correlated to indexes such as the Nasdaq. He observed that the tech-focused index is down 21% this year, while Bitcoin is down 22%. Moya added that confidence is low, and the asset has been mainly consolidating for most of this year:

“Bitcoin is really stuck in a sideways news cycle where you’re just waiting for it to be calm on Wall Street, and then you’ll see more people confident in investing. I still think there’s a lot of long-term potential value here, but you have to be able to stomach this volatility.”

Institutional interest cooling

The year 2021 was extremely bullish for institutional crypto investment, but that has not carried through to 2022. Big names such as Tesla, MicroStrategy, El Salvador, and several payment platforms got into crypto, driving the momentum and buying pressure. U.S. regulators even allowed the first Bitcoin futures exchange-traded funds to trade which was also bullish.

This year has been a lot more subdued, and according to CoinShares, there have been four weeks in a row of institutional crypto fund outflows. Moya added that corporate and institutional investors are in a “wait and see mode,”

“There’s a belief that mainstream adoption is taking a lot longer than people expected,”

Seeking safer ground

Investors appear to be reacting to what is happening in the broader economy. There is more confidence in traditional assets with recovery from the pandemic in full swing and an end to global restrictions.

According to Chris Kline, co-founder of Bitcoin IRA, some crypto investors are weighing other options and “moving their money back to the dollar, as a starting point, and then seeing what they’re going to do from there.”

Bull Bear Cycles

Finally, crypto markets are cyclical; what goes up must come down. There have been four distinct bull/bear markets since Bitcoin’s inception more than a decade ago. If previous cycles are anything to go by, crypto markets may remain bearish for the rest of this year and into 2023 before turning around again.

According to analysts, BTC could fall to the mid-$20K range and consolidate there for a while before there is any significant upwards momentum again.