比特币投资者信心指数, BTC Investor Confidence Index, BICI, 2022 03/28~04/03, 每周走势及分析

比特币 加密货币 欧洲 英国 数字 投资

2022年3月28日至2022年4月3日,(BTC Investor Confidence Index,BICI) 比特币投资者信心指数,在本周中呈现非常稳定,涨幅没有超过1.5个点。稳定在59-60之间。过去的一周,在加密货币领域发生的重要事件。欧洲国家将加强数字货币领域的法律建设,狗狗币价格持续上升,比特币节将在迈阿密举办。

2022 03/28~04/03加密货币投资者信心指数图


作为旨在加强快速发展的加密行业治理和控制的措施计划的一部分,欧盟正在采取措施加强加密货币转移的安全性。欧盟执行委员会于 2021 年提出的初步提案规定,加密交易所和加密公司必须获取、保留和提交所有转移的数据。这种义务将有助于监管机构识别和报告被视为可疑的交易; 冻结数字资产,并劝阻交易者进行高风险交易。FinCrime 世界论坛是为期两天的面对面活动,是欧洲数字信任系列的一部分。 该活动将包括来自思想领袖和反金融犯罪专业人士的演讲和小组讨论,他们将引领我们如何更好、更有效和更有效地打击金融犯罪。


英国财政部周一表示,打算立法对一些用作支付手段的稳定币进行监管。该部表示,它打算在今年晚些时候就制定更广泛的法规进行磋商 一组加密资产活动。稳定币是一种加密货币,旨在相对于传统货币或黄金等商品具有稳定的价值,以避免使比特币和其他数字代币对大多数商业而言不切实际的波动性。

随着价格上涨,狗狗币的盈利能力增加到 63%。

根据 Into The Block 的数据,最大的 meme 加密货币狗狗币 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的盈利能力在 3 月初跌至 54% 后,已升至 63%。 在有报道称特斯拉首席执行官拥有 Twitter 9.2% 的股份后,狗狗币的价格上涨了近 10%。 由于大多数加密货币都在贬值,狗狗币的涨幅超过了前 20 名,因此截至发稿时呈红色交易。

Deadmau5 和 Logic 将于本周末在佛罗里达州迈阿密举办“世界上第一个比特币节”。

Sound Money Fest 将结束比特币 2022 会议,预计该会议将在 4 月 6 日至 9 日期间吸引 40,000 名与会者前往迈阿密海滩会议中心。 CL、Steve Aoki、Killer Mike & Big Boi 和 San Holo 也将在周围的 Pride Park 举行的活动中表演,该活动将设有一个室内舞台和一个室外舞台。 根据组织者 BTC Media 的说法,阵容中的所有艺术家都部分或全部以比特币支付。

The European Union is making moves to shore up security around the transfers of cryptocurrency as part of a programmed of measures designed to enhance governance and control in the rapidly evolving crypto sector. The initial proposal tabled in 2021 by the EU’s executive European Commission stipulated that crypto exchanges and crypto companies be required to acquire, retain and submit data on all transfers made.Such an obligation would give help to regulating bodies in their bid to identify and report transactions deemed suspicious; to freeze digital assets, and to dissuade traders from performing high-risk transactions.

Dogecoin Profitability Increases to 63% as Price Jumps.

Per Into The Block data, the profitability of the largest meme cryptocurrency, Dogecoin (DOGE), has increased to 63% after dropping to as low as 54% earlier in March. Dogecoin’s price jumped by nearly 10% following reports of the Tesla CEO owning a 9.2% stake in Twitter. Dogecoin is outperforming the top 20 in gains as the majority of cryptocurrencies are losing value, thus trading in red at press time.

UK says it will regulate stable-coin payments.

Britain’s finance ministry said on Monday it intended to legislate to regulate some stablecoins when they are used as a means of payment.The ministry said it intended to consult later this year on creating regulations for a wider set of crypo-asset activities. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to have a stable value relative to traditional currencies, or to a commodity such as gold, to avoid the volatility that makes bitcoin and other digital tokens impractical for most commerce.